Accepted, Welcomed and Included

Stories celebrating Jewish Disabilities Awareness And Inclusion Month

The Magical Inclusiveness of Summer Camp photo 1
Although I did not know it at the time, Camp Chi was where I learned my first lesson about inclusion.
The Power of Inclusive Environments photo 1
The truth is, from the ages of 15 until about 27, I thought I was less worthy than everyone else.
Seeing Our Diverse Abilities photo 1
We have all faced obstacles and challenges, but we are not (or should not be) defined by them.
The Outgoing Sibling photo 1
Thanks to help from Chicago's Jewish community, the world now sees my sister the way I see her.
Accepted Welcomed Included image
With February being Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month, we at Oy!Chicago thought we’d recognize the ongoing importance of this meaningful work by sharing your stories through a special blog series, “Accepted, Welcomed & Included.”

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