Toddler Tries a Bed

Toddler Tries a Bed photo

A couple months ago, my son, Johnny, spent his first night in a toddler bed. I posted the following on Facebook:

Johnny switched to a toddler bed last night. I missed bedtime, so tonight was the first time I was there at bedtime to see him. We read stories (all three of us) and he was so tired he was drifting off to sleep before we finished. I asked if he wanted to go to his crib and he said "No, I seep here tonight."

Toddler Tries a Bed 1

He looked like such a big boy and so cozy in his bed. When we started with songs, I completely fell apart and started balling. Like I couldn't finish the song, which made Rose Kirschner start crying, too. Johnny just laughed (he always laughs when people cry) and said "hey abba, hey mamma"). When we left the room, he was probably asleep within minutes. #iwasntreadyforthis.

But it was not meant to last. Just a couple days later I went to check on the little guy and found that my toddler had been replaced by all of his stuffed animals. Meanwhile, Johnny was on the floor, next to the bed. My kid went on a puzzle bender and passed out on the floor!

Toddler Tries a Bed 2

For the next two weeks, I went to check on him every single night, documented my findings with photos and made captions. I called it "Toddler Tries a Bed" and it seemed to capture the attention of hundreds of Facebook fans, who tuned in each day to see if Johnny would ever make it through the night in his bed.

Below are a few highlights from the series, including the captions from each photos. In case you are wondering, he has managed to stay in bed the entire night since the beginning of September. The only problem now? A few days ago he learned how to open his bedroom door, come out of his room and run down the hall to his mamma and abba. But that's a completely different blog post …

August 18, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 3A

Where is my toddler?

Toddler Tries a Bed 3B

Oh wait, he left a note.

Toddler Tries a Bed 3C

Oh no, he stumbled into a basket of books.

Toddler Tries a Bed 3D

But passed out before he could get to the bucket of balls.

August 20, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 4A


Toddler Tries a Bed 4B

Wait, where are all the books that were on this shelf?

Toddler Tries a Bed 4C

On top of this toddler, who has crammed himself into this tiny corner to read every one of them!

August 21, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 5A

Oh, he stayed up late working on his dissertation.

Toddler Tries a Bed 5B

When this thing is finished, it will be a masterpiece.

August 23, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 6A

Tonight we took extra time to relax and read stories.

Toddler Tries a Bed 6B

We were not surprised the toddler was missing from bed when we came to check on him.

Toddler Tries a Bed 6C

There he is…what is he reaching for, though?

Toddler Tries a Bed 6D

A book! What keeps you up at night? Well clearly this book has kept this toddler up way past his bedtime.

August 26, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 7A

Wait a minute; this toddler has actually stayed exactly where I left him! Oh wait, I see why…

Toddler Tries a Bed 7B

Hitting the green sippy really hard tonight -- too much for even this toddler to handle!

August 29, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 8A

I stretch in my sleep, so I am ready to run first thing in the morning.

Toddler Tries a Bed 8B

A few hours later… right in the middle of the room! I blame the duck.

August 30, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 9A

Uhhh…where is my toddler?

Toddler Tries a Bed 9B

Oh there he is! He was behind the giant stuffed bear.

August 31, 2016

Toddler Tries a Bed 10

Two nights in a row! I think he's got this bed thing down.

Andy Kirschner photo 375
Originally from Detroit, Andy Kirschner first moved to Chicago after college. He has had several job titles throughout his career, including knife-seller, recruiting manager, bagel-maker, life coach, tour guide, career counselor, Weight Watchers facilitator, a... Read More

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