Double Chai in the Chi
Amy Kirsch Portrait
Amy Kirsch Thumbnail

Amy Kirsch

Amy Kirsch's contagious energy and approachability inspires others to get involved in the Jewish community. From her leadership roles in JUF with both the Young Financial Services Group and the Young Leadership Division -- for which she served as campaign chair this past year -- and as a member of the Jewish Federations of North America National Young Leadership Cabinet and the Standard Club, Amy leads by example with how she spends both her time and her charitable dollars.

Amy is also an established leader in the financial services field in Chicago. After working as a private banker for J.P. Morgan advising families on achieving their financial goals, in May she joined fellow Double Chai honoree Jordan Fishfeld at PeerRealty where she focuses of building relationships with past and prospective investors.



Primary gig:

PeerRealty – Head of Investor Relations

On the side:

Attempting to launch a forecasting review website

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:

Always on the go!

How do you Jew in Chicago?

I am really active with JUF and for the past four years have served on the YLD Board. Fortunately for me this has included visiting a lot of the agencies, helping others to get involved, and through my National Young Leadership experience spreading the great ideas we have executed in Chicago throughout the country.

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:

Thriving—and hosting a 5,000-person YLD Big Event.

Me in 10 years:

Have limitless time and money, travel abundantly and continue to pursue leadership roles in Jewish philanthropic causes.