Double Chai in the Chi
Scott Frankel Portrait
Scott Frankel Thumbnail

Scott Frankel

One of Scott Frankel's teachers and mentors says he "exemplifies a communications revolution that's taking place in Jewish life." Scott, who does communications and video for the iCenter for Israel Education, loves using film to connect with and explore what it means to be a Jew today.

While spending 10 months in Israel, Scott shot and directed his own documentary, From The Diaspora, about eight young Jews from six continents, telling their stories of making aliyah. This experience led him to become a JCC Chicago PresenTense Fellow in 2012 and he is currently enrolled in Spertus Institute's Master of Arts in Jewish Professional Studies program. While his love of Judaism shows in every aspect of his life and career, Scott still finds time to devote to his other great love -- Chicago sports.



Primary gig:

The iCenter for Israel education, and the Jewish Moments Project (coming soon)

On the side:

Storyteller, filmmaker, Beatles enthusiast, aspiring NBA player

Relationship status:


How do you give back?

I love using film as a lens to explore Jewish/Israel life and art. I work with kids at a local synagogue to teach them film techniques and help them create a Jewish-centric film of their own. I also host Israeli film screenings to dive deeper into discussion topics on contemporary Judaism.

Celebrity doppelganger/who would play you in a movie:

I get Daniel Tosh of Tosh.0 a lot.

If time and money were limitless, I would:

Travel the world collecting and documenting as many stories as humanly possible... Oh, and I’d also really love to meet Paul McCartney. And float in space … Can I combine those last two actually?