Taylor cropped

Brian Taylor

Save the “corny” jokes— as President and Founder at Kernel Season’s Popcorn Seasoning, Brian has heard them all. But more than being the man responsible for sprinkling all kinds of flavored goodness onto your popcorn, Brian has shown first-rate dedication of both time and money to Jewish organizations and causes. 

Although he is a leader in business, Brian considers himself a “follower” of the great leaders in the Jewish community, though he does plenty of leading by example. He can often be found “popping” over (okay, we couldn’t resist) to Chabad at UIC, where he chairs the board, or the Jewish Federation, where he is currently serving his third year in the National Young Leadership Cabinet. He is also a strong supporter of AIPAC and the Alzheimer’s Association, and participates in the Jewish Leadership Institute where he “adds insightful comments that help create an intellectually stimulating, yet nurturing, environment,” according to his nominator, Amy Berger. He also brings in money as a collector of ancient Jewish coins.

Fatherhood is also one of Brian’s most important ventures, a role he will be expanding later this summer when he and his wife welcome their third child.


Primary gig:
President and Founder at Kernel Season’s Popcorn Seasoning

On the side:
Dad, Entrepreneurial Spelunker

Relationship status:

How do you give back?
I believe that working hard to build a business that creates jobs is a great way to benefit the community. It has also afforded me the opportunity to invest time and resources in causes I believe in: AIPAC supports the U.S.-Israel relationship, Chabad at UIC offers students a wonderful opportunity to experience Jewish life and the Alzheimer’s Association addresses one of the gravest health threats of our generation. Within the Jewish community, I am a proud follower. There are so many impressive leaders and educational programs, at this point in my life, I’m just soaking it all in and trying to learn a lot.  

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:
I applied to drive the Oscar Meyer Weiner-Mobile.

Celebrity doppelganger or Who would you play in a movie:
Ken Jeong

How do you Jew in Chicago?
I collect ancient Jewish coins, send my kids to Jewish pre-schools and light candles with the family on Friday night

Family, skiing, paddle tennis, thinking, not thinking, movies, travel

If time and money were limitless, I would:
Participate in space tourism.

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:
Dynamic and strong. Adapting to change and leading other Jewish communities across the country by example.

Me in 10 years:
Spending time with family, developing a new business, traveling, writing